Mission Statement

This program is designed to train students to plan and deliver services in a wide range of personal and communal crises, ranging from family violence through immigration, and in the emerging field of disaster intervention. In recent years, in the wake of recurrent high-casualty natural and man made disasters, from earthquakes and tsunamis through terror attacks, as well as the mass migration of traumatized refugees, a host of government and non-governmental organizations have taken it upon themselves to develop programs to meet the needs of the persons and communities whose lives have been disrupted. Their efforts encompass both the acute phase of the event and its long-term aftermaths, and include, as well, the development of new tasks and roles to accomplish these aims.


The International Program in Crisis and Trauma will equip its students with the knowledge and skills to act in two main capacities. One is as first responders, for which they will learn to identify the immediate and long term needs, to carry out initial interventions, and to refer the persons to the appropriate services for further assistance. The other is as psychosocial disaster and crisis intervention managers, for which they will be taught to develop and implement intervention programs for the stricken groups and communities.

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