Research Clusters

Research Clusters

The Bob Shapell School of Social Work is a leading international academic institution, developing cutting-edge research in a dozen research domains. In each of the 12 research clusters senior scholars, practitioners and research students develop theoretical and empirical knowledge on various social problems and phenomena and generate innovative interventions within the unique living laboratory of Israeli society. Another special focus of the Bob Shapell School of Social Work, well expressed in both research and teaching, is the emphasis on policy practice and social entrepreneurship as an essential part of Social Work, which goes hand in hand with Israel’s reputation as a start-up nation. 

Our Research Clusters:

Immigration, Multiculturalism and Community Studies

Gender, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Family, Intimate Relationships and Parenthood

Resilience, Coping, Recovery and Spirituality

At-Risk Children, Youth and Young Adults

Health, Mental Health and Addictions

Poverty, Inequality and Welfare

Loss and Bereavement

Social Work Practice

Stress and Trauma

Policy Practice

Older Persons


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