Stress and Trauma

Senior Faculty

Prof. Zahava Solomon Prof. Yael Benyamini Prof. Carmit Katz
Prof. Karni Ginzburg Prof. Guy Shilo Prof. Liat Hamama
  Dr. Noga Tsur  


Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Adi Atrom Dr. Daniela Shebar-Shapira Dr. Cigal Knei-Paz
Dr. Rony Berger Dr. Julia Gouzman Dr. Ofir Levi
  MSW Ayal Varshaviak  

Recent Publications

Hasida Ben-Zur, Miri Cohen & Gouzman, Julia. "Posttraumatic growth moderates the effects of posttraumatic stress symptoms on adjustment and positive affective reactions in digestive system cancer patients." Psychology, Health & Medicine 20 (2014).

Talmon, Anat, & Ginzburg, Karni. “Body self” in the shadow of childhood sexual abuse: The long-term implications of sexual abuse for male and female adult survivors. Child Abuse & Neglect 76 (2018).

Talmon, Anat, Horovitz, Michal, Shabat, Nitzan, Shechter-Haramati, Orna, & Ginzburg, Karni. “Neglected moms” - The implications of emotional neglect in childhood for the transition to motherhood. Child Abuse & Neglect 88 (2019). 

Talmon, Anat, Shaham-Salomon, Nofar, & Ginzburg, Karni. "Differentiation of the self and the body and adjustment to motherhood–A latent class analysis." Journal of Affective Disorders 276 (2020).

Shilo, Guy, Antebi-Gruzka, Nadav, & Mor, Zohar. "Mental Distress, Well-Being, and Stress-Related Growth following an Anti-LGBQ Hate Crime among LGBQ Young Adults in Israel: The Effect of Familiarity with the Victims and the Mediating Role of Emotional Support." Journal of Homosexuality 67 (2020).

Hamama, Liat, Hamama-Raz, Yaira, & Native, Shlomit. "Posttraumatic Growth in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: The Role of Illness Cognitions and Physical Quality in Life." Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis 15 (2020).

Tsur, Noga. "Chronic Pain Personification Following Child Abuse: The Imprinted Experience of Child Abuse in Later Chronic Pain." Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2020).

Tsur, Noga. "'My Own Flesh and Blood:' The implications of Child Maltreatment for the Orientation towards the Body among Dyads of Mothers and Daughters." Child Abuse & Neglect 104 (2020).

Levi, Ofir, Ben Yehuda, Ariel., Pine, Daniel S., & Bar-Haim, Yair. "A Sobering Look at Treatment Effectiveness of Military-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder." Clinical Psychological Science  (2021).

Tsur, Noga & Katz, Carmit. "And then Cinderella was Lying in My Bed”: Dissociation Display in Forensic Interviews with Children Following Intra Familial Child Sexual Abuse.Journal of Interpersonal Violence (2021).

Tsur, Noga, Katz, Carmit, & Klebanov, Bella. “I Don’t Have Fur to Protect Me”: Children’s Experience of Pain as Communicated in Forensic Interviews Following Parental Physical Abuse.Children and Youth Services Review 120 (2021).

Tsur, Noga, Katz, Carmit, & Talmon, Anat. "The Shielding Effect of not Responding: Peritraumatic Responses to Child Abuse and Their Links to Posttraumatic Symptomatology.Child Abuse & Neglect 121 (2021).

Tsur, Noga, & Talmon, Ada. "Posttraumatic Orientation to Bodily Signals: A Systematic Literature Review." Trauma, Violence & Abuse (2021).

Kahalon, Rotem, Preis, Heidi., & Benyamini, Yael. "Mother-infant contact after birth can reduce postpartum post-traumatic stress symptoms through a reduction in birth-related fear and guilt.Journal of Psychosomatic Research 154 (2022).


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