Prof. Ronit Dina Leichtentritt

School of Social Work
מנהלת בי"ס לעב סוציאלית סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Ronit Dina Leichtentritt
Phone: 03-6409344
Fax: 03-6409182
Office: School of Social Work, 228


Leichtentritt, R.D., Leichtentritt, J., & Mahat Shamir, M. (2018). Shadows from the past: The mothering experience of women survivors of maternal suicide. Journal of Social Work, 18(5), 548-577

 Mahat-Shamir, M., Davidson Arad, B. Shilo, G., Adler, R., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2018). The family in the view of Israeli adolescents in foster care. Journal of Social Work, 18(2), 201-221

Mahat-Shamir, M., Hamma-Raz, Y., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2019). Body perception and organ donation: Bereaved parents' perspectives. Qualitative Health Research, 29(11), 1623-1633

Rysnizki, S., Doron, I., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2019). The role of perception of death in medical decision making at the end of life. In Brill, S., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Hazan, H., Lavi, S. (Eds.), When life ends: Medicine, law and culture confronting death in Israel (pp. 49-59). Tel Aviv University: Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Study of End of Life. (Hebrew)

Leichtentritt, R.D. & Weinberg Kurnik, G. (2020). Bereaved parents’ unwillingness to participate in a joint research interview: The case of feticide. Health Care for Women International, 41(4), 412-444

Rysnizki, S., Doron, I., & Leichtentritt, R.D. (2020). Medical decisions at the end of life: From autonomy to relational autonomy. Maazanie Mishpat, 13. (Hebrew)

Weinberg-Kurnik, G., Anchoo, O., & Leichtentritt, R. D. (2021). Standing in spaces and feeling alright: The experience of bereaved fathers of fallen soldiers in Israel. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22(4), 715-72

Mahat Shamir, M., Pitcho-Prelorentzos, S., & Leichtentritt, R. D. (2022). Congenital loss: Loss of an immediate family member prior to or during one’s birth. Death Studies, 1-12


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