Prof. Tamar Ronen Rosenbaum

Emeritus in School of Social Work
מנהלת בי"ס לעב סוציאלית אמריטוס
Prof. Tamar Ronen Rosenbaum
Phone: 03-6407335
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 63

General Information

Prof. Tammie Ronen is Head of the Renata Adler Memorial Research Center for Child Welfare and Protection at the Bob Shapell School of Social Work. Her research and practice focus on positive psychology, with an emphasis on training children and families in the use of self-control skills to cope with difficulties and overcome obstacles. Her work has established the foundation for training even very young children in these skills. Prof. Ronen's work has received international recognition through her many articles, chapters and books on cognitive therapy with children and adolescents. Her most recently published book isCognitive Behavior Therapy in Clinical Social Work Practice; she is now in the process of writing a new book: The Positive Power of Imagery: Harnessing Client Imagination in CBT and Related Therapies. In addition, she chairs a national program for reducing aggression among children in Israel.


Watch a video greeting from Prof. Tammie Ronen


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Teaching and Courses

Treating children and adolescence therapy; self-control skills; aggression: theory and treatment; positive psychology; using imagery and metaphors in psychotherapy

Positive psychology interventions: Theory and practice


Positive psychology; Subjective well being and happiness among children and adolescence ; Aggression: Causes, explanation and reduction; Self-control skills among children


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