Dr. Yael Itzhaki Braun

School of Social Work
מנהלת בי"ס לעב סוציאלית סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Yael Itzhaki Braun
Phone: 03-6409193
Office: School of Social Work, 224

Short Biography

Yael Itzhaki-Braun, PhD, is a lecturer at the Bob Shapell School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Itzhaki-Braun's research fields are: community social work, community leadership, religious communities and societal conditional regard. Her studies investigate the role of the religious community in the members' life, focusing at violation of community norms such as: youth dropout and divorces. Moreover, Dr. Itzhaki-Braun investigates the developing new social leadership within virtual communities and the role of community social work in these communities.

Research Topics

Community social work

Community leadership

Religious communities

Societal conditional regard

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