Older Persons

Senior Faculty

Prof. Idit Weiss-Gal Prof. Yael Benyamini Prof. Ronit Leichtentritt
Prof. Belle Gavriel-Fried Dr. Lia Levin  


Adjunct and Visiting Faculty

Dr. Julia Gouzman Dr. Tamar Gitlitz Dr. Sara Alon

Dr. Ile Kermel-Schiffman



Recent Publications

Kermel‐Schiffman, Ile, Afuta, May, Zur, Amit, Gavriel‐Fried, Belle. "Recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder among Older Adults: A Scoping Review." Journal of Applied Gerontology (2023). 

Kermel‐Schiffman, Ile & Gavriel‐Fried, Belle. "Aging successfully, but still vulnerable: Late life experiences of older adults who have recovered from alcohol use disorder." Geriatric Psychiatry (2022). 

Schnall, Itiya & Weiss-Gal, Idit. "Career Choices of BSW Graduates of an Older Adults Concentration: An Analysis of Twenty Cohorts." Journal of Teaching in Social Work 43:1 (2023). ​

Kopel, EliezerKnei-Paz, Cigal , Zvi, Lilach , Schnall, Itiya, Gitlitz, TamarGavriel-Fried,  Belle. "‘Someone to Talk to’: A Short-Term Tele-Therapy Intervention with Older People during the Coronavirus Pandemic.British Journal of Social Work (2021).

Benyamini, Yael, & Burns, Edith. "Views on Aging: Older adults' self-perceptions of age and of health." European Journal of Ageing 17 (2020).

Gewirtz-Meydan, Ateret, Hafford-Letchfield, Trish, Ayalon, Liat, Benyamini, Yael, Biermann, Violetta, Coffey, Alice, Jackson, Jeanne, Phelan, Amanda, Voß, Peggy, Geiger Zeman, Marija and Zeman, Zdenko. "How do older people discuss their own sexuality? A systematic review of qualitative research studies." Culture, Health and Sexuality 21 (2019).

Blumstein, Tzvia, Benyamini, Yael, Farhi, Adel, Boyko, Valentina, and Lerner-Geva, Liat. "Knowledge of risk factors and prevention of osteoporosis: The Israeli women's health at midlife study." Archives of Osteoporosis 13 (2018).

Elran-Barak, Roni, Barak, Adi, Lomranz, Jacob, & Benyamini, Yael. "Proactive aging among Holocaust survivors: Striving for the best possible life." Journals of Gerontology Series B: Social Sciences 73 (2018). 


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