Social Work practice

Senior Faculty

Prof. Idit Weiss-Gal Prof. Evgeny Tartakovsky Prof. Carmit Katz
Prof. Liat Hamama Dr. Lia Levin Prof. Belle Gavriel-Fried
Dr. Yael Itzhaki-Braun Dr. Guy Feldman Dr. Ido Katri
Prof. Riki Savaya Dr. Noga Tsur Dr. Hagit Sinai Glazer


Adjunct and Visiting Faculty

Dr. Julia Gouzman Dr. Adva Berkovitch Romano Dr. Galia Weinberg-Kurnik
Dr. Amit Yamin Dr. Sarit Smila Sened Dr. Adi Artom
Dr. Eliezer Kopel Dr. Daniela Shebar-Shapira Dr. Adi Baum-Mizrachi
Dr. Guy Perel Dr. Nora Korin Langer Dr. Tamar Gitlitz
Dr. Ilana Sacks Dr. Romain Jammal Abboud Dr. Paula Gerber-Epstein
Dr. Meriam Haj Houri MSW Lili Yaron-Melamed MSW Ruth Frankenburg
MSW Dana Kirshenbaum MSW Inbar Adler Ben Dor Mr. Omri Bing
  Ms. Shlomit Giloni Barak  


Recent Publications

Katz, Carmit. "Stand by Me: The Effect of Emotional Support on Children`s Testimonies." British Journal of Social Work (2013).

Katz, Carmit, Barnetz, Zion, & Hershkowitz, Irit. "The Effect of Drawing on Children's Experiences of Investigations following Alleged Child Abuse." Child Abuse & Neglect 38 (2014).

Katz, CarmitKlages, Anna-Lisa, & Hamama, L. "Forensic Investigation with Children: Exploring the Richness of Children's Drawing and the Richness of their Testimony." Children and Youth Services Review 94 (2018).

Levin, Lia, Benish-Weisman, Maya, & Savaya, Riki. "Value Profiles and Perceived Job Performance of Social Workers in Israel." British Journal of Social Work 50 (2020).

Levin, Lia, Roziner, Ilan, & Savaya, Riki. "Professional Identity, Perceived Job Performance and Sense of Personal Accomplishment among Social Workers in Israel: The Overriding Significance of the Working Alliance." Health & Social Care in the Community (2020).

Tartakovsky, Eugene. "Ethnic Minority and Majority Social Workers Working with Ethnic Minority Clients: Culture-Bound Professional Interventions and Burnout Among Arab and Jewish Israeli Social Workers." Research on Social Work Practice (2021, published online).

Tartakovsky, Eugene. "Acculturation Orientations, Professional Interventions and Burnout Amongst Ethnic Minority Social Workers Working with Ethnic Minority Clients: A Case of Arab Citizens of Israel." The British Journal of Social Work (2021, published online).

Itzhaki-Braun, Yael. "Coping with COVID- 19: Resilience factors among community social workers." British Journal of Social Work (2021).

Savaya, RikiLevin, Lia, & Roziner, Ilan. "Social Workers in Israel: Daily Stressors, Work Benefits, Burnout and Well-Being." British Journal of Social Work 51 (2021).

Feldman, Guy, Itzhaki-Braun, Yael, Frankenburg, Ruth, & Friedman-Haser, Gal. "Let’s talk about our feelings: Emotional labour of community practice in times of pandemic." Social Policy & Administration (2022).



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