School Administration and Heads of Programs

Head of the Bob Shapell School of Social Work

Prof. Einat Peled serves as the current Head of the Bob Shapell School of Social Work. Prof. Peled is an acclaimed social work scholar in the areas of violence against women, sex for pay and trafficking, as well as parenthood. Alongside her academic career, Prof. Peled acted as the chair of Ruach-Nashit, an NGO promoting financial independence for women victims of violence, and she is also a founder of the Israeli Association for the Study of Prostitution, Sex Work and Sex Trafficking.


Program Directors


BSW Program Director Prof. Yafit Sulimani-Aidan

MSW Program Director Dr. Hisham abu Raiya

Head of the MSW Track in Human Rights and Policy Practice Prof. Idit Weiss-Gal
Head of the MSW Integrative Track in Treatment and Intervention Dr. Galia
Weinberg- Kurnik

Head of the MSW Clinical Track in Child and Youth Care Prof. Liat Hamama
Head of the MSW Clinical Track in Stress and Trauma Prof. Karni Ginzburg

Director of the MSW Program for non-BSW degree holders Prof. Guy Shilo

PhD Director Prof. Ronit Leichtentritt

Academic Head of the Continuing Education Unit Dr. Lia Levin

Administrative director – Ms. Yael Yosef

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